Do you have a renting problem, please see below how we can help
What services does the National Renters Alliance offer?
How much does the National Renters Alliance cost?
Do you recommend a good landlord?
Do you have knowledge or history of my landlord?
What is the Landlord/tenants deposit scheme?
If deposits are required to be protected, why do so many landlords steal deposits or make deductions?
Will I get my deposit back from my Landlord?
So I will have to go to court?
I’m scared of going to court, do I have to go?
What is the court hearing like? Is it scary?
What Evidence will I need to get my deposit back?
Do I need to use the National Renters Alliance if I have a problem with my landlord or can I handle it myself?
I am having problems with the property and my landlord is not doing anything about it what can I do?
What are my Landlord's repair responsibilities?
What are my repair responsibilities?
What do I do if my landlord won’t do repairs?
My landlord is charging me for wear and tear, what is this?
What do I do if my landlord won’t do repairs?
Can I withhold rent?
I’m being harassed by my landlord, what can I do?
What qualifies as harassment?
What are emergency repairs?
Can my Landlord Evict me?
Will I get a more favorable outcome to a dispute if I use the Renters Alliance?
Do I have the right to seek further advice and shop around?
Can my Landlord Evict me?
Is there a cooling off period if I engage the National Renters Alliance?
If I contract the National Renters Alliance can I withdraw later?
What happens if I break my agreement with the NRA?
Can I cancel my policy with the Renters Alliance?
What are the procedures for my claim?
What documents do I need to pursue a claim?
What documents do I need to sign?
What are the risks involved in making a claim? Can I lose money
and do I have to go to court?
Can the NRA end its service agreement?
What Are My Obligations?
If I have a complaint about the NRA service what should I do?
Does the NRA pay referral fees to or have other financial arrangements with any other person in respect of introducing the claim?
Does the NRA have any relationship to a particular solicitor or panel of solicitors?
The NRA will assess the viability of any financial claim you may have against your landlord regarding your tenancy, this could include your landlord/letting agent:
Should you have any financial claim against your landlord for the above, the NRA will, where appropriate:
Our website has a recommended list for members.
Who is your landlord? We will investigate and respond by e-mail.
Your landlord is required to register your deposit in a government-backed deposit guarantee scheme and supply a reference number.
Your landlord is in charge of returning your deposit to you at the end of your tenancy, however many landlords add charges such as professional cleaning or charges for damage which renters do not know how to challenge. Further, if you invite your landlord to use the deposit guarantee scheme mediation service he/she may refuse and there is no compulsion for your landlord to use this service leaving court action the only option for resolution.
Very often landlords and agents will make unwarranted deductions from your security deposit which we can challenge. If you owe no outstanding rent and have looked after the property in a responsible manner, the burden of proof is on the landlord to show why he or she has taken money from your deposit. The National Renters Alliance will help you through this process.
Probably not. Most disputes between landlords and renters are settled well before it becomes necessary to start court proceedings. At the National Renters Alliance, we know how to put pressure on irresponsible or unreasonable landlords for them to return the money they owe you, court action is, nd always should be, an option of last resort. However, if you have behaved responsibly and your landlord is refusing all mediation efforts we will help you file a dispute with the courts.
In the rare cases that court proceedings are warranted, the court will encourage both parties to mediate and offer a mediation service before a hearing date is scheduled. In most cases landlords who know that they are not entitled to keep money from your deposit will return it to avoid the risk of escalating costs associated with a court hearing. If we believe that you have genuinely been wronged we will offer advice and support during this process giving you peace of mind.
Absolutely not. Most people imagine a stern judge and a panel of jurors. However if your case does go to court it will be held in medium-sized room with only a judge, sometimes a secretary and your landlord if he/she turns up. The judge will do everything to put you at ease and gently determine the facts about the case.
When you joined the National Renters Alliance you were asked to upload copies of your tenancy agreement and inventory and photos of the property when you moved in. We also ask for photos of when you moved out. If you have behaved responsibly during your tenancy there will be minor changes in the property at the beginning and end of the agreement and your landlord will have to prove that the deterioration of the property was more than reasonable wear-and-tear. If you have kept the property well and have provided us with photos before and after you will usually have a good chance of getting most, if not all of your deposit back.
Your landlord should not charge you or take money from your tenancy deposit because of normal wear and tear which is caused by day-to-day living. Examples of wear-and tear include
You must look after a rented home, but your landlord can't expect it to be returned in exactly the same state as it was when you moved in.
You do not have the right to stop paying the rent. However, if your landlord/Agent is not fulfilling their repairing obligations, it may be possible to pay for the repairs using your rent, but you must follow a set procedure. The National Renters Association can assist with these types of problems. Please contact us if this becomes an issue.
Harassment is illegal and can be reported to the police. If you are being harassed by your landlord, insist that all communication be given in writing and record calls on your mobile. The police will usually require evidence of several harassment incidents before they can take action.
There are many forms of harassment. Common examples of landlord and letting agent harassment include:
There are times when the landlord or their agents will need immediate access to your home. This is usually a safety issue and they do not need permission to access the property. Examples of such emergencies include:
You can be evicted if you have rent arrears, regardless of why the rent arrears exist. In most cases your landlord must go to court to get an order to evict you. If your landlord/agent threatens you with eviction please contact us immediately.
If you wish to claim compensation or damages from your landlord for a dispute which falls within the jurisdiction of the Housing Ombudsman Service, the use of the National Renters Alliance services will not have a more favorable outcome than if you do it yourself. However the National Renters Alliance will assist with the preparation of submissions for clients.
Yes, clients have the right to seek further advice or to shop around subject to any time limits within which a claim must be made. However, if you withdraw from an existing contract with the National Renters Alliance, we reserve the right to levy a reasonable charge to reflect work undetaken by the Renters Alliance.
Yes, our terms and conditions includes a 14 day cooling-off period during which you can withdraw from a contract at any time. You may inform the NRA verbally or in writing if you would like to withdraw during the cooling-off period. If you cancel the Services during the Cooling-off Period, we will refund to you all payments received from you. We will make any refunds due to you for exercising your rights to cancel during the Cooling-off Period no later than the earliest of 14 days after the day of cancellation.
Yes, you can withdraw from a contract at any time. However if you should withdray you may be charged a limited sum which is reasonable in the circumstances and shall reflect work undertaken by the National Renters Alliance up to the point you withdraw from the contract
You must immediately pay the NRA any charges in respect of the canceled Services which we have provided or third party expenses or costs we may incur by way of compensation to us for ending the Service early.
Yes, you can cancel your policy with us at any time. You have a statutory right to a cooling-off period of 14 days after you sign your contract with us.
You are entitled to a refund of any payments made in the cooling-off period unless you have asked for services to be provided during the period in which case the Renters Alliance will keep what’s necessary to cover the cost of services provided up until you cancelled.
When you first contact the NRA, we will make some preliminary inquiries as to the validity of any housing dispute you may have. If the NRA believes you may have a valid dispute we will send you our service contract and agent authorization form which will give us the authority to act on your behalf in your dispute. For housing disrepair, deposits and other disputes the NRA will follow accepted pre-action protocols stipulated in the civil procedure rules which will encourage both parties in the dispute to disclose information which may be relevant to the claim. If at any stage information were to arise which would prejudice your claim we will advise you immediately and discontinue the claim. However, if your landlord and/or letting agent either fail to disclose relevant information or fail to provide evidence to refute your version of events we will continue with pre-action protocol rules and/or suggest mediation. Should all attempts at resolution fail the NRA will instruct an in-house solicitor or external legal practitioner to continue your claim and issue proceedings in the relevant court. At all stage the NRA will keep you informed with this process.
The documents required for you to pursue a claim vary depending on the nature of your housing dispute. Typically we require evidence of your occupation of a property which may include tenancy agreement or license to occupy and email, phone and written correspondence between you and your landlord/letting agent. However, unscrupulous landlords sometimes attempt to deny you access or refuse to give you required contract information. Furthermore, as the NRA investigates your dispute further we may require more information about certain aspects of your dispute. Accordingly please speak with one of our advisers who can keep you updated with the documents we need to pursue your claim.
In order to pursue a claim we require you to sign our agent authorization form which includes our service terms and conditions. This will grant the NRA the authority to communicate with your landlord and settle on your behalf. We cannot proceed with our service without this contract. We will not take any payment for services from you until this contract is signed. A copy of the terms and condition of the contract will be published on our website also. You will also need to agree to the NRA’s privacy policy which may be found on our website.
As with any dispute, the NRA will make all reasonable efforts to settle your dispute through negotiation and arbitration. Throughout this process the NRA will follow directions given by you in terms of settlement. Throughout this process it is important that you behave reasonably in accepting or refusing settlement offer and supplying evidence in a timely fashion to comply with civil procedure pre-action protocols. However, in the event that it be necessary to initiate formal legal proceedings, the vast majority of claims will be allocated to the small-claims track which severely limits costs to both parties. According to subsection (27.14(2)) of the Civil Procedure, the general overarching principle of costs in the Small Claims track which is that: “The court may not order a party to pay a sum to another party in respect of that other party’s costs, fees and expenses”. If you have behaved reasonably throughout this process and appear in court if a hearing is required you will very rarely be asked to pay costs in the event that you lose. However, if the Court rules that you have behaved unreasonably in the pursuit of your claim you will be liable for third party costs under rule 27.14 of the civil procedure rules. Examples of unreasonable behavior include:
We may end this Agreement immediately by giving you notice:
In order to give your claim the best chance of success you must:
The NRA aims to provide you with the highest possible quality of service at all time. However in the event that our service falls short of your expectations, we operate a complaints procedure which may be found at The NRA will send written or electronic acknowledgment of a complaint within five business days of receipt, giving the name of the individual handling the complaint , together with details of the NRA’s internal complaints handling procedures.
If you are not satisfied with the NRA’s handling of your complaint, you may refer your complaint to the legal ombudsman which may be found at or Ombudsman, PO Box 6804, Wolverhampton,WV1 9WG.
Yes, the NRA partners with Represent Law to provide reserved legal activities and has a profit-sharing relationship
The NRA contracts Represent Law for the provision or reserved legal activities.
If you would like further information about the national renters alliance please contact us here:
I had quite a good relationship which my landlady until I moved out of my flat when she wouldn't return my deposit. The NRA checked her out and she hadn't registered the deposit either. They communicated with the landlady on my behalf highlighting that she'd be eligible for a fine for breaking deposit guarantee rules. She accepted and the issue was solved in a few months. Good, fast service!
Jenny Dry, Brixton
National Renters Alliance
Office 104
275 Deansgate
Greater Manchester,
M3 4EL
t.: 020 79930069
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